Perception is Everything

Perception is reality. When you really really stop and ask ‘is that true?’ you can’t always be certain. Indeed, something that is absolutely true to you may indeed be complete nonsense as far as someone else is concerned. One of the things that we find fascinating in the world of PR is perception and how … Continue reading “Perception is Everything”

Truth be told ….

  In an era of hi-tech fast moving communication, when a news story can break anywhere on planet earth and be before us in  seconds, there’s still one casualty suffering too much in the world of PR. And truth be told, that casualty is critical to any organisation’s reputation. Yep, it’s nothing more complex that … Continue reading “Truth be told ….”

The weapon of choice….

Stop bagging the media. There’s a real tendency these days to bag the media. They are too “negative.”  They don’t “help.”  They just want to “do people over”. The accusations fly thick and fast.  All too often. Here is my experience. MOST people I have encountered in the media – over a 20 plus year … Continue reading “The weapon of choice….”

Single most ridiculous thing happening to media

The single most ridiculous thing happening to Australian media right now is also happening across the world. CUTBACKS. Jobs being chopped as advertising in some parts of the media dwindles … and landscapes change. This then creates uncertainty, insecurity and instability for the hard working people in media… just trying to do their job.   … Continue reading “Single most ridiculous thing happening to media”

Nerves Will Get the Better of You

Anybody who is doing a media interview and says they are not nervous is someone you should truly worry about. Nerves are an essential part of any media interview. All opportunities to do live or pre-recorded media interviews are an opportunity for you to get your messages across and explain your organisation’s perspective. If you go to … Continue reading “Nerves Will Get the Better of You”